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Nice game !

Happy to hear you like it, and thanks for the feedback!

what's the length of the game ?

Hi Megamanzx and thanks for the question.

In the style of the early 80s arcade games, once each wave of aliens is cleared, the player progresses to the next wave until all their lives are up. So the length of the game is dependent on the skill of the player, and there's no cap on the number of waves and no "final level".

Each new wave is more difficult than the last, with more aliens that also become faster, meaner and more determined, firing increasingly accurate shots.

A novice player's game might only last a minute or two, but more adept players might be able to make a single game last for 30 or 60 minutes.

Hope that helps!

Thank you.

Interesting game. However, I agree with the other comment here – a tape file is badly needed. ESPECIALLY given that this is a paid-for game, it really MUST be supplied in a better form than just a snapshot. That's so half-hearted. (And .SNA isn't even the best snapshot format: it's wasteful. .Z80 format does the same thing but uses a smaller file size and also supports 128K snaps.) This game NEEDS to be supplied as a .TAP file, and ideally as a .TZX file as well. The .TAP file format is best – especially for regular loaders (i.e. non-turbo loaders) – because it works with EVERYTHING, including loading into real machines. If you want to use a fancy loader, supply a .TZX file as well. (But please note that the new ZX Spectrum Next currently can't handle .TZX files, which is one reason why a .TAP is so important: it's absolutely the best option on the Next.) If you need to have a loading screen designed, I recommend approaching Andy Green, who does superb work (search for Andy Green Pixel Art on Facebook).

Interesting points! The file is currently in .sna format because that's all I originally had to work with. A tape file will be in the works for a probable cassette release :)

Meanwhile the loading screen was recently completed based on what I had left of the original screen art from 1988, and is included in the latest .sna update that just went up!

Excellent. I love 'perfect' snapshots like these, which show the loading screen until you press a key. So, that's great. All we really need now is a tape file. Many thanks for all your efforts!

…and… thanks for the tape file! :-)

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This is amazing! 

I will certainly buy this if you could make a *.tzx version available (or even *.tap).

- please see the reply above!

- and the cassette release is now available at: :)

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Excellent and very impressive work :)   If you are interested in a non-exclusive real cassette release, then I would be honoured and proud to help.  I have run the not-for-profit software house Cronosoft since 2002, with over 100 previous releases from many programmers. Please check me out at

Thanks very much for the kind words. I'll email you at Cronosoft! ..

Great work! Please make more games for the ZX!

Glad you liked it! Thanks for the encouragement!

The game is fast and action packed, with a real sense of running for your life when those souped-up crystal-enhanced meanies come after you.  Great to see this out there at last!

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"a real sense of running for your life" - early design notes from 1986 reveal that this was just the feeling I was aiming for, so I'm happy to hear it had the desired effect! Thanks for the feedback.